Serbian media writes on parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

Serbian media writes on parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

Mass media of Serbia published materials about the snap elections to the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan held on September 1.

Secki 2024 Independent Media Center reports that in the articles published in such media as "RTS", "Politika", "Tanjug", "Novosti", "SRNA", "b92", "N1info", "Gradske Info", 125 it is reported that 990 candidates participated in the elections to the legislative body with a seat of deputy and voting was held in 6,478 polling stations.

It should be noted that these parliamentary elections were held for the first time in all territories of Azerbaijan, including the territories occupied by Armenia until 2020.

The materials also mention that Azerbaijan will host the 29th (COP29) session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in November.