Azerbaijan Milli Mejlis elections in Arabic media

Azerbaijan Milli Mejlis elections in Arabic media

The snap parliamentary elections held in Azerbaijan on September 1 were the focus of the media bodies of Arab countries.

Secki 2024 Independent Media Center reports that "Al Vatan" newspaper, in its article entitled "Azerbaijan held parliamentary elections in territories freed from occupation", drew attention to the fact that elections to the legislative body were held for the first time in the entire sovereign territory of Azerbaijan.

The author emphasized that these elections are an important stage in the future development of Azerbaijan, which actively pursues a peaceful policy in the world.

In the article of "Al Arabi" newspaper, it was pointed out that 990 candidates took part in the elections to the legislative body with 125 deputies. In the article, it was mentioned that the election process took place in calm and transparent conditions, and international observers highly appreciated the results of the voting.

"Al Balad", "Arab48", "Saw Beirut", "Al Masr Al Yom" and other mass media also published articles and news about the early elections to the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis. The Arab media emphasized that Azerbaijan, which won a great victory in the 44-day war in 2020 and restored state sovereignty in its entire territory in 2023, has taken another important step on the way to progress, prosperity and peace. It was also brought to attention that the high level of activity of Azerbaijanis was recorded in the parliamentary elections, the people flocked to the polling stations to choose their worthy candidates.